Thursday, 16 December 2010

The move and the meeting

Well, I've not been exactly reliable with getting an update, but here we go!

The move didn't exactly go smoothly, but I did get into my new place and I do love it. I am not planning on moving again in a hurry, I don't really fancy the general stress of it all, let alone the fact I seem to be a little cursed. The short version of my move was failed deliveries, a car breakdown and nearly seven hour delay to the journey, a spectacular fall on the ice, a massive and heavy unexpected leftover wardrobe that is eating space, a non-working cooker and a dishwasher that can't be connected as the pipe is missing a part! Despite all that, I am quickly settling in. Currently, I am away but I'm looking forward to going back, getting everything put away and testing out the cooker for baking capability - clearly that is very important. A few mornings having a cup of tea in bed looking out at this view (maybe without the snow) will also be wonderful and feel very luxurious.


I've also got a bit further with getting to grips with the nitty gritty of the PhD. Everything I knew was a bit vague and I was a little uncertain how they felt about having me, given that I am not fully well and will need a little extra support and understanding.

My first inkling that things were going to be relatively OK was a phone call from my Aunt who I am planning on staying with when I have to spend time over at the industrial partner. Apparently, she's been at a dinner party the night before and sat next to a guy. He was talking about having done some interviews in Southampton, that they'd interviewed good candidates but one very bright girl who they were very pleased had accepted the PhD and they were looking forward to working with, and despite her having M.E. they wanted to support her as best they could. Needless to say, my Aunt realised who it was he was on about, although I don't think she let on.

I also had a meeting with my main supervisor in Southampton. She was really nice and answered any questions I had. I think I felt a little overwhelmed by it all, but I keep reassuring myself that it's all one bit at a time and to start with there will be a lot of support to know where I am going with it all. I got a tour of the department and the facilities, as well as briefly meeting some of the other PhD students and longer meetings with a couple of people that I will be working closely with initially. Having more details and things to read and a bit of a plan of action has certainly been reassuring. It's definitely going to take a bit of getting used to on both sides and adapting expectations, from my side, not knowing what to expect and from theirs understanding that they have someone with biomedical understanding who needs the engineering training rather than an engineer that they'll train in the biomedical side of things. Exciting and daunting in equal measure, but that's all part of the adventure.

Anyway, back to planning Christmas baking for me. I really have no idea where all the time has gone.

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