Thursday, 2 December 2010

The Night Before...

... the adventure begins!

Well, tonight is the last night I shall be living here, here being with my parents. That's not to say I won't be back to visit, but that is very definitely what it is going to be - visiting.

I'm swinging between excitement and nerves about the whole thing. It's not just the moving but the whole new life I am going to be embarking on. I keep panicking that I am going to be too out of my depth, that the whole thing will be too much. Then I have to stop and remind myself that I can do this; I've always found a way in the past and that the whole team I will be working with seemed really nice at the interview. I also just remind myself not to look at the whole next three and a half years, but just the next three and a half weeks. That's far enough to plan in advance, right?

In fact, the next three and a half weeks are going to be filled with lots of fun. I'm making the most of having some spare time before I start my course by squeezing in visits to as many friends as possible. I'm having a few days in my new place before flying out to Belfast for my sister's MA graduation and seeing extended family, before heading up to Glasgow to see some very dear friends. I'm also going to try and see some other wonderful friends in Derby before Christmas - phew!! Let's be grateful I've done most of my Christmas shopping.

So, tomorrow I shall embark on the next chapter. I shall be living on the edge of the New Forest, where I can see horses and cows and pigs with piglets while enjoying a drink in my local. The countryside is where my heart lies, so having that in my life will help me keep my head when I am threatening to lose it at points!

But that is all tomorrow, tonight I need to try and get some sleep.

Goodnight all and welcome to my little corner of insanity!


  1. Hiya Erin :-)
    Have a safe yourney to your new pad, we want to see lots of pictures and I'll be here cheering you on for the next 3+ years xxx

  2. Hi,
    I felt exactly the way you did when I left home, and while things may not immediately be what you like, I'm sure everything will be alright. Good luck!

  3. Good luck! Meow meow meow =^.^=

  4. The best of luck, although I'm sure you won't need it. The new location sounds wonderful!
